New article highlighting the importance of protected areas for giant anteater conservation!

What are the whereabouts of the giant anteater in sugar cane-dominated landscapes of south-
eastern Brazil? This was the central question that underpinned a project that our Specialist
Group member Adriano Chiarello coordinated years ago and based the thesis of his then
doctoral student Natalia Versiani, among other theses and master's dissertations still in
progress at his lab. Their main results show that, surprisingly, they still occupy 50% of these
landscapes, which can be good or bad news, depending on whether we look at the glass as
being half full or half empty… The results also reveal that this animal occurs more likely in
the areas that concentrate native vegetation, including permanent preservation areas and legal
reserves. Long and prosperous life, therefore, to the Brazilian Forest Code, which protects
native vegetation in private rural properties.
Finally, they reveal that the giant anteater makes more intensive use of dirt roads, perhaps
seeking these to minimize energy losses crisscrossing these modified landscapes. They might
be even using these margins as foraging opportunities. Nevertheless, as these might expose
them to road hazards, the study highlights the need for more attention to unpaved roads.

N.F. Versiani et al. (2021): Protected areas and unpaved roads mediate habitat use of the
giant anteater in anthropogenic landscapes. Journal of Mammalogy, gyab004.

New Edentata Edition!

Dear friends and colleagues,

We are delighted to announce another issue of Edentata! We invite you to download it free of charge from Edentata’s website.

Edentata 21 includes six articles and a News section packed with exciting announcements. 

In this issue, you will find an interesting review on the xenarthrans of Honduras; a description of the first camera trap records of giant anteaters in Baritú National Park, Argentina; and a report on the occurrence of ticks on free-ranging armadillos in Piauí, Brazil. There are also two contributions about giant armadillos and bees. One of them describes the attack of Priodontes maximus on a nest and its predation of stingless bees, whereas the other explores ways to reduce the conflict between beekeepers and giant armadillos. And don’t miss the field note about the Sloth Bot, a cute environmental monitoring robot! 

We have also included updated Guidelines to Authors in English, Spanish and Portuguese to help you prepare your manuscripts for submission to Edentata. We are looking forward to receiving your manuscripts! 

Best wishes, and many thanks to all authors and reviewers!

The editorial team of Edentata

The deadline for submitting manuscripts to Edentata is approaching!

The deadline for submitting manuscripts to this year’s edition of Edentata, the journal of the IUCN/SSC Anteater, Sloth and Armadillo Specialist Group, is approaching!

Please send your articles, short communications and field notes no later than August 15 to Please make sure you follow the instructions to authors that are available at Edentata’s website to avoid any delays in the review process.

We are looking forward to receiving your submissions!

“Conservation perspectives for a highly disparate lineage of mammals: the Xenarthra”

Conservation perspectives for a highly disparate lineage of mammals: the Xenarthra”, by Mariella Superina and Agustín M. Abba, discusses the current taxonomic challenges of working with xenarthrans and their impact on the conservation of these animals. It includes an evaluation of the main threats affecting the Xenarthra now and in the future, identifies some successful conservation initiatives, and highlights the importance of initiatives by individual experts.

The article nicely summarizes the current status of xenarthrans and will facilitate the development and implementation of conservation strategies for these fascinating animals. It is available at no cost.

Read more here


The sloth on the cover of Edentata 20 is a Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth, not a Pale-throated Three-toed Sloth, as we wrote in the front matter. The scientific name, Bradypus variegatus, was correct. We have corrected this mistake in the full version and the Front Matter pdf. Thanks to Monique Pool for spotting the mistake!