Rio Negro silky anteater Facts for Kids

Rio Negro silky anteater Cyclopes ida Lifespan: Experts are still studying Reproduction: Gestation length is 120-150 days.Size: Estimated around 300 gramsDiet: Mainly feeds on ants. Common Names English – Rio Negro silky anteater Portuguese – Tamanduaí do...

IUCN World Conservation Congress 2020

Held once every four years, the IUCN World Conservation Congress brings together several thousand leaders and decision-makers from government, civil society, indigenous peoples, business, and academia, with the goal of conserving the environment and harnessing...

Southern long-nosed armadillo

Southern long-nosed armadillo (Dasypus hybridus) other common names Southern lesser long-nosed armadillo Taxonomy Order: CingulataFamily: DasypodidaeSubfamily: Dasypodinae description The southern long-nosed armadillo has a head-body length of 26–31 cm, a tail length...

Argentina’s Xenarthrans

Argentina's Xenarthrans Xenarthrans are a group of mammals that include anteaters, sloths, and armadillos. The name xenarthran comes from two Greek words meaning “unusual joints.” Today there are about 40 species of xenarthrans. Some hang upside down from trees,...

Colombia’s Xenarthrans

Colombia's Xenarthrans Xenarthrans are a group of mammals that include anteaters, sloths, and armadillos. The name xenarthran comes from two Greek words meaning “unusual joints.” Today there are about 40 species of xenarthrans. Some hang upside down from trees, others...