Dear readers,
The new edition of our Journal and Newsletter, which has changed its name from Edentata to Xenarthra, is now available! Our journal continues to disseminate articles about the conservation of xenarthrans. Xenarthra 24 includes five articles on the following topics:
• A note about new records in Paraguay of several species of xenarthrans.
• A great note presenting biological data on the rare Dasypus pilosus, a species endemic to northeastern Peru.
• A note on another rare species of armadillo, Calyptophractus retusus, that includes two new records for Argentina.
• A description of the neonatal and pediatric care of Cabassous tatouay.
• A note about the use of highway wildlife underpasses by Priodontes maximus in Brazil.
We would like to remind our readers that we will no longer compile a complete volume but will publish the individual articles, with their electronic identifier and DOI, as soon as they are accepted. Therefore, we will no longer have an annual deadline; we will receive manuscripts anytime and process them as soon as we have received them.
May we take this opportunity to thank all reviewers and members for their tireless work and enthusiasm, and our partner institutions Nurtured by Nature and FIAA for their continued support.